Some times I wonder at our ruling class, the politicians and the beurocrats and their insensitivity to issues that affect peoples health. One such example is curbing tobacco use. Despite the overwhelming evidence of tobacco related deaths the measures taken to curb use of tobacco are very casual and most cases not enforceable.
Tobacco users die early and horribly due to lung and other cancers, serious respiratory problems and cardiovascular disease. Chronic smokers have ten to fifteen years less of life expectancy as compared to non smokers and those who have quit smoking before they are 40 years.
We have rules which says on the cigarette packet that it is injurious to health. The caption should be that it will kill you 15 years before time with cancer. We have instituted laws of no smoking in public places. I have not seen any one booked for smoking in public which is seen every where. Tobacco products are available every where and I see a worrying trend of young persons especially young women smoking.
What we can do with powerful tobacco lobby not allowing stricter measures by the government and the feeble laws are not enforced?
There are some ways. Socially boycott smokers. Don't sit with them. I f one of your friend smokes, get up and move a way and make sure he knows why you did it. Women should not allow men to have sex with them and vise versa!
TV ads even remotely connected with tobacco should be banned and so in cinema smoking should not be shown even if the scene demands it.
farmers must resist the pressures from tobacco companies and start growing alternates cash crops.
What you and I can do is to socially ostracize smokers. Draconian it sounds is it not but it is in their interests.
It is better to have a good friends company for ten more years than see him die after intense suffering because of lung cancer.